We would love to offer treats to everyone, but sometimes there’s a limited amount of treats available.
That’s why we believe it’s only fair to offer them to the people that want them most. Time to vote!

The offices with the highest number of votes will receive the treats. We’ve tried to keep it really simple and make it easy for you and your team to vote to receive Treats. When you’ve opted-in for a treat that needs votes, follow the steps below: 1. Log-in at gemsatwork.com/log-in. 2. Go to the ‘Treats’ tab in the navigation.
gemsatwork employee rewards treats tab guide
3. Select the relevant Treat.
4. Click on the ‘Invite your team’ button to notify your team to vote. Can’t send emails to your team? You can share the link below instead.
gemsatwork office rewards notify your team
5. Your team will be listed here. Have a quick check you’ve got all the right people – if there’s anyone you don’t want to notify you can easily ‘exclude’ them from the notification. Don’t see who you’re looking for or have a list of people you want to notify? Simply paste their email addresses by clicking on the ‘+Invite colleagues who haven’t joined your team/paste in email addresses to send invites’ option.
gemsatwork office rewards invite your team
6. Press ‘Preview Invite’ to view the message and add your personalised note at the top to encourage your team to vote for the Treats.
gemsatwork office rewards invite preview
Hit ‘send invites’ and your messages will be sent! Once you’ve done this it’s also really easy to see who has voted, send reminders or if there’s anyone you missed, notify them too. Just click on the ‘Invite your team’ button from the ‘Treat’ homepage.
gemsatwork employee rewards teams progress